Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Quick update on the road!

Im in Cairns Australia, and im loving it... I went scuba diving yesterday! Awesome!!!! And today im going to a rainforest sanctuary and I get to play with Koalas and stuff! I will definatley post more about each of these events when im settled into my place at newcastle! I have a video of the great barrier reef im hoping to post... fingers crossed that it works cause it was gorgeous!!!!

Some other things ive noticed, people do tend to walk on left side, so people stay to there left instead of their right... also we walked through a mall, and the up escaltor was on the left hand side as well... Also the toliets here have 2 flushes, the first one is for when you only pee, the second flush is well for when you go number 2. crazy!

Theres no tipping in Australia... but the food is expensive!!! Last night a group of 7 of us went to a local place called the green ant and got kangaroo burgers... good... but 15$ and that was one of the cheapest things on the menu! most stuff was like over 20! Drinks are really expensive over here too!

I will post more once I get to campus!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers friends!


*~*~*!!Sh3LbY!!*~*~* said...

So you haven't told me if my mix cd was terrible or not yet!

Kamisaurus said...

CSUF has those flushers in the SRC! Are they green/covered in some sort of magic that eliminates germs and bacteria?