So here I am.... blogging. I figured this would be a good way to keep all my family and friends up to date with my Australian adventures!
So far I have packed about 95% of my luggage and have all my travel documents!
I still have to get my camera but thats on tommorrows to do list, along with travelers checks! My mom and I have been running around like crazy getting all the things I need for the year!
Just to catch everyone up to speed I will be studying at the University of Newcastle in Newcastle Australia located just 2 hours north of Sydney in the region of New South Wales.
I will be leaving America on the 6th of July at 10:30pm from LAX! Once I get to Australia, myself as well as 40 other students, from America and 1 from Canada who are also studying at Newcastle, will go to Cairns for 4 days and will go scuba diving at the great barrier reef, visiting a local zoo, and learning about the culture of Australia!
After the 4 day program introduction we will fly to Newcastle and will move into either our on campus dorms, called houses in Aussie, and will explore the city over the weekend. The rest of the students will move into the dorms on Sunday which will be exciting because then I will have met all my new roomies!!!!
Im going to be living in the International House which means I will live on a flat with 9 other people. We will all have our own rooms, with a group living space as well as kitchen and bathrooms. Its a co-ed house which means there will be 5 males and 5 females in each flat. Its called the international house because 50% of the students living there will be Aussies, the other 50% will be international students!
The first week I will be on campus there will be no class. The first week is a giant orientation where we will have morning tea (something standard in Australia) then we will meet with advisors and university leadership and find out all about the university! I will also have the chance to meet with a counselor to determine my classes and make sure that what I requested will work out. The University also has social activities planned for us this week, one where we will go to a local wildlife preserve have a BBQ and play with Koalas!
Im getting very excited and have already been in touch with other Americans who are going to the same university as myself! Were all excited and ready for an adventure of a lifetime!
4 more days!
What an amazing journey you are about to go on! Take notes so that we know where to go in January.
Good luck in Australia Angela!
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