Tuesday, September 30, 2008

An Ode to Rigobertos and my Shot Gun adventure!

So I had one of those cravings today for mexican food that just couldent be met here in OZ land... that is the greatest downfall of the Aussie people... Mexican food is few and far between, and when you do find some its horrible.  I miss the days when I could swing over to Rigos with 3 dollars in hand and get a beans rice cheese!  Or for 4 dollars I could get a shredded beef!  I miss the breakfast burritos from Pepes that got me through the worst finals and the hardest articles to write... I need some spice!  I make mexican food weekly, and everyone loves it.... 

So far I have made:
- Burritos
- Quesadillas
- Flautas
- Enchiladas
- Hardcore Nachos

The Aussies love it all... they have heard of burritos and tacos, but most of them didnt know what the rest were.... I miss my mexican food!  

Other then that, with some help from 2 amazing people at school, I heard from the financial aid department, and everything is sorted out.  I should get my fin aid by friday! Hopefully there are no hitches and everything turns out well!

I have been pretty bored at home, and my German housemate is away with 2 other Germans on a road trip up the coast!  I have been in touch with him as well, and he hates that im home all alone and bored.... so on a spontaneous note, I will be taking a 12 hour train to catch up with them, and I will join them for about 5 days of their trip!  Im very excited and it should be a great time.... Its so spontaneous that I dont even know how im getting back home yet.  They will probably drop me off at a train station along the way... which could take a whole 24 hours to get home... crazy to think of! But im taking 2 books, a journal and my trusty IPOD, so I hope I dont go to stir crazy!  

SO there you have it.... Im going on a shot gun adventure!


Kamisaurus said...

Take batteries for your camera!

My name is Hideki said...

Yeah.. when i was in upstate NY, Mexican food was foreign. But they had some bomb ass Carribean and Puerto Rican food.

Just not the same as some good ol' Super Fries..

Paul said...

I know the feeling about the Mexican food. Tennessee isn't well known for it (or sushi). I'm glad you're doing well.