So the Amazing Aunt Mary sent me a ton of Mexican food spices! She knows me well, and had heard me complain about Australia's lack of Mexican food, or any real spice and she amazingly came to my rescue!!! So I organized another Mexican food night for my housemates and friends at International House! I made my moms fresh salsa again, which is always a big hit. I have made it 4 times here, and every time it goes very quickly cause every body loves it!
I also made enchiladas, lots of them! They dont really have enchiladas in Australia, the only mexican style food they would have are tacos and burritos... but nothing compared to real mexican food, so everyone here loves anything new I make for them! I also made some flautas.

My friend Sally and I are below.
Aunt Mary also sent over 2 boxes of Churro mix. So I made Churros for the first time in my life! They werent hard to make, and were really good! Below is a myself and Pat, an American Guy from Chicago, he helped me make the Churros.
Below is Steffen from next door, with the churros at the bottom of the picture.
So I am done with finals, all my essays are complete... after all that typing myself, my friend Allie and Stuey are heading off to Sydney for a few days! We will be there from Monday to Wednesday, and then will go to the Blue mountains after that and will be there till friday when we come back home. Im really excited and am looking foreward to going hiking, and having a great time! I will post pictures of that trip when I get back!
Im getting really excited to go see my sister In PNG! I will be there for an entire month! So fun!!! I will go back to Australia for about a week after that, then I will be on my way back to the States in time for school to start! I will get to spend time with my parents at the new place, and maybe might talk Erin into going Snow boarding with me... more like teaching me since I have only been once... but perhaps that could be alot of fun!